Saturday, January 21, 2012


We went sledding at one of the local parks.  It wasn't a very big hill but it was perfect for the girls! Sommer was so funny. She had so many layers of clothes on that when she went down by herself on the sled she had to either go on her tummy or flat on her back. It was hilarious! Kiersten had so much fun!  Unfortunately my phone died and it cut off the next part of the video. I know I am like the most unprepared person sometimes!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

We weren't invited!

Apparently Kurt and I weren't invited. Didn't know until bedtime though!!!

Snow, Snow and more SNOW!

This is the snow drift right outside the back door.

This is around the corner where Sheriff does his business! The snow keeps drifting.

Kurt buried Kiersten! Lets see if she can get out!

And there's Sommer... She was not too happy with me because she just wanted to be held so she can ring the door bell.  She weighs even more with all that gear on!

Happy 2nd Birthday Sommer!

Sommer turned two! I can't believe it. She is growing up so fast! We had a very nice family birthday party. Kurt had the day off so when I got home with Kiersten he had the table all set with all the decorations out. The video camera was set up too and Sommers cake. What a nice surprise.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Half Time

This is video from my phone so its not the best quality. I think it turned out ok considering I had a 2 year old sitting in my lap! :)   They did 3 or 4 cheers and a dance to Big Time Rush. The dance isn't in this video. I recorded it separately but didn't post it because my battery on my phone was low and it recorded the low battery sign over the entire screen! Silly phones!

Lions Big Night!

This is Kiersten just before the game! She was so excited to dance. When she was dancing I was so surprised at how comfortable and confident she was out there. She did great!

Friday, January 13, 2012

School Colors!

So today was school colors day for spirit week. Girls in gold and white and boys in blue and white. Kiersten had gold tinsel in her hair.  At mini cheer practice she received her shirt for tomorrows performance and two balloons! They had lots of fun with them when we got home. Tomorrow is her big day. She performs at the boys varsity basketball game halftime. I am going to try and post the video on my blog. 

Precious Moments

I walked into Sommers room last night to make sure she was covered up and this is what I saw. She got a "Baby's Book of Prayers" for Christmas and she carries it everywhere. She fell asleep with it under her head.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Birthday Card From Germany!

Today Sommer got her Birthday card from Oma and Opa in Germany! Very cute!

Duct Tape Day!

So today was Duct Tape Day! The kids at school were so creative with their duct tape! For Kiersten we made a crown, sash, bracelet, necklace and ring for her to dress up in. It was so fun! I should have taken this picture before school but we were running late so this is the after school shot. She was pretty tired. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Officer Sommer!

Sommer is modeling Daddy's new badge! WOW it sure is shinny! 

School Spirit Week

 Tuesday was crazy hair day at school. We call this the MoHawk bun!

Wednesday was flotation device day! I don't think Kiersten wore this throughout the day but she brought it to show her spirit! We signed Kiersten up for mini cheer camp this week. She had been having so much fun. I came early to pick her up so I could watch a little bit of them practice and they were so well behaved! Saturday they dance/cheer at the boys varsity basketball game at half time. Can't wait to see her dance!

A little bit of fresh air!

We had to get outside for some fresh air the other day! It was nice but it was sooooo cold! Can't wait for sunny days.  It seems like the girls are growing up so fast and I can't keep up with all their new tricks. Kiersten has learned to ride her bike without training wheels. She is so proud of herself and so are we. Sommer is 75% potty trained! Wahoooo! The first day she pretty much had accidents but the second day she totally got it and was really good about letting us know when she had to go. She wakes up dry from her naps and in the morning so I think the overnight part will be easy. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New table and chair set!

The girls got a new set of table and chairs! That was I think the funnest thing for Sommer Christmas Day. She would open a present and then venture off and just just sit on her chairs!  We had a wonderful Christmas!

Clothes from Germany!

My grandmother from Germany sends us these beautiful clothes for the girls. She made the sweaters sommer is wearing in the different pictures.  She sent Kiersten her big silver coat!  Kiersten likes wearing it. The pink coat Sommer is wearing in one of the photos is like a pea coat! Its my favorite. Sometimes I wish they would make the clothes in adult sizes because it is so cute! Oh yes and can you see Sommers hair? Its in french braids!!! YAY!!! my favorite little kid hair style! Her hair is now long enough to do it!

Christmas at Papa Fred's and Omas!

All of us girls! We had so much fun getting the girls dressed up!

Madison and I got matching dresses for the girls! Soooo cute!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So I got all the apron models I could find... No the girls opened their gifts, and look! Their aprons are so cute!