Monday, March 31, 2014

Garden update

These plants are out of control! Can't wait to plant them outside! Almost there. :)

Monday, March 17, 2014


These sprouts are growing so fast!!!!! Hope the weather stays nice. Mid April is when I want to transplant them. This sure is such a fun family project! The girls wake up every morning and run to see how much they have grown. Then when we come home they do the same thing! Hehe! Anyways a few more nice weekends and the garden will be ready outside! Yay! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Garden time!

This was before! And then you can see after. :) we worked hard today. Such a nice day!  Had a bar-b-q too! Can't wait for another sunshiny day!!!! I think I even got a tan. This year we hope to grow lots of veggies! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring is just around the corner!

First garden that we are trying together! It's going to be exciting. The weather is getting better and making it easier to get things done. Now we have the seeds planted we just have to get outside and work in the yard. Big project but it will be so cool to see the girls face when they see a vegetable grow from a tiny itty bitty seed! Hope everyone's weekend was fun!