Sunday, February 27, 2011

Look Who's Mobile!

Sommer is crazy mobile now.  She climbs on everything!  She climbs on the couch, over the side to the chair and on to the window seal! Scary! The other night Kurt and I tried to watch a movie and the entire time Sommer play that game.  Climb up to Daddy on the chair and slide off him.  She thought it was so funny. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crazy Kids!

Last weekend we had lots of fun listening to music and dancing around the living room.  To me its nice because the kids are not watching TV and I can clean better with the tunes on! :)  Anyway Sommer started doing this little head stand so Kiersten copied her.  The first picture is Sommer at the sliding glass door and I'm outside it taking the picture.  And yes the window is dirty from Sheriff's drool.  But I thought it was a funny picture because what kids hasn't done that on a window.  Sommer is a crazy kid.  She eats and shares her food all the time with Sheriff.  We have to watch her because she likes to put his dog food in her mouth!  Gross!  Kiersten is such a great older sister and helps out a lot! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Training Wheels Off!

Well its that time... time to teach Kiersten how to ride her bike.  She really wanted to try it so the other weekend Kurt took off her training wheels.  This weekend we had the most beautiful sunny day so we tried it.  The first time Kiersten fell she was so surprised that she fell, but instead of crying she said "that didn't hurt" which is what we want to hear. :)  We had her in all the padding the only thing missing was the bubble wrap.  Well we sure had fun.  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daddy Date!

Kurt and the girls braved the cold today and got some fresh air at the park.  It was so sunny but still very very cold. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Puppy Love

Poor Sheriff, he is used and abused... He just sits there and lets her climb all over him.  He is so gentle with her.  Sheriff is our guard, stepping stool, vacuum, and our best friend.  :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Kiersten the other night making Valentines for her teachers.  We did the class and decided we needed to include the teachers.  Of course! 

Sommer trying to help out.  She can now climb up on the dinner table chair, all by herself, and then climb up on to the table. Ahhh!!! 

Kurt took the training wheels off of Kiersten's bike and fixed the flat tire.  Sommer wanted a ride so she got one of course. :)  Now we just wait for the sunny day. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All Set Up!

I walked into the office and this is what I saw...  Kiersten had put Sommer on the tinker bell chair and she was just sitting there so very cute!  Kiersten loves playing with Sommer now that she can do more things.  They entertain each other pretty well.  Its nice.  :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

COOKIE Monster

 We got to eat some delicious Monster Cookies our friends gave us to try.  They were sooooo good!

The kiss face. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This & That

The picture of a box on a table is a package I'm mailing to my grandmother in Germany.  She is such a wonderful kindhearted person.  I finally put together an "I love you" package.  Its filled with coloring pages from Kiersten and some things I made for her.  Since she is so far away we try and remind her that we are always thinking about her.  She always sends us German chocolate and fun new clothes for the girls.  Anyway, I took a picture of the box because I found a new creative way of wrapping it.  I could find anything in the house to wrap it with so I found a big page that Kiersten water colored on at preschool.  It was thick paper so it worked beautifully.  Hopefully the post office doesn't mind. :)  Then there's Sheriff, the Great Dane! He thinks he is a human and he just jumps right on up there.  He's taken over the bottom bunk to Kiersten's bed.  He doesn't always sleep there, we were cleaning up the room and he has to be where ever you are in the house so he can see you.  You gotta love him!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunny Day!

 It was such a nice break from the cold bitter weatherKiersten asks me everyday if we can go to the park.  The sun came out yesterday and we took advantage of it.  Sommer looked so grown up in her jeans and shoes.  :)  We love days like this!

Friday, February 4, 2011

For mother :)

This one's for you mom! :) My mom wanted me to post this one. :) It's very cute!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Hot Meal For Mom!

Tonight Kiersten saw me try and feed Sommer and then feed myself and she asked me if she could help me.  I was so excited!  (Sommer is at that stage where all she wants to do is feed herself. Or if you feed her you better feed her fast enough or she will scream) Kiersten did a wonderful job.  She actually fed Sommer her entire dinner and I got to eat mine hot!  Yay! Then when I tried to feed Sommer some more she would only take it from Kiersten... little stinker :) Kiersten thought it was the coolest thing that she was feeding Sommer. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sheriff the Nanny

Meet the nanny! No, I'm just kidding. Sommer decided to climb into Sheriff's lap and have a rest.