Monday, January 31, 2011

Quotes from Kiersten

Quotes from Kiersten!

   Some of the most interesting and creative things I have heard came from little kids! If you have seen the movie "Dr Suess Horton Hears a Who" you will appreciate this one... This is what Kiersten asked me one day.  "Mommy do we live on a speck? Do we live in Whoville?" 
    Or this one she claims she learned from Spoung Bob. "Mommy when I'm mad my brain is stormy, but when I'm happy my brain has a rainbow!"
    Then today I was washing her hair in the tub and she told me where tears come from. She said that when water fills up in her ears then it goes into her brain and breaks a brick wall and then the water comes out your eyes to make tears.  Wow I can't believe how creative they are! Well someone once told me to write those things down so you never forget.  I thought I would share this because it is too precious to forget.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We caught it!

We caught it! This is where it all started... My mom "Oma" was teaching Sommer how to say her name and Sommer has been making us all crack up laughing when she makes this face. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sponge Bob

My little artist! Kiersten drew a wonderful picture of the Sponge Bob crew.  Patrick, Sponge Bob, Sandy, Squidworth, and Mr. Crabs are all dreaming about theirs homes and even little Plankton is in the bottom right hand corner. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sommers teeth are growing in fast! She does the "O" face and I haven't been able to capture it yet.  I did capture this lovely photo of her crazy teeth growing in.  She learned the "O" face  from Oma my mom. My mom was trying to teach her how to say "Oma" which means Grandma in German.  Of course my mom makes the "O" face when trying to teach Sommer and she copied her.  Just when Sommer gets the face on she quits as soon as I pull out my phone or camera.  :( Of course.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sommer sleeping through uncle Alan's basketball game.  I'm sure Kiersten's doing a great job cheering him on!

Family Photo Time!

These are just amateur photos we did in the living room before Christmas. I hope to get outside and do some outdoor family pictures soon. This fog is getting old! Hopefully soon the sun will come out and we can get some outside time. :) I like the one where Sommer is raising her hand like she has a question.... cute!

One Year Old!

Sommer is one now! I can't believe how fast they grow. She has 5 teeth, is walking like crazy and loves to make you laugh!