Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!

Wow what a busy day! My morning started off by frosting some sugar cookies for Kiersten's Harvest Party at school followed by me trying to put together my costume. Yes I dressed up for Halloween! The best part of the holiday! My friend Tami and I decided to do a Scooby Doo theme. We had a blast. Then after work it was time to do the girls' costumes. Quickly I put Sommers butterfly wing and eye makeup on. She wasn't too patient so it was a fast paint job. She wanted to be a butterfly so we did our best. Kiersten wanted to be a Pirate! Kurt tried to give her a beard but she wanted to be a girl pirate so they washed it off and on came the lipstick.
Then trick or treating across town. We walked a lot!!! It was fun and everyone had a great time!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Spooky Village

This is a collection of Halloween decor that was given to us. The girls absolutely love it! The tree in the back lights up and the main house makes fun eerie sounds. It's almost trick or treating time and the girls are getting super excited!!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Face Painting

Sommer sat still through one side of her face but then had enough. Then while I was painting Kiersten's face she decided to go put bright red lipstick on. You can't really tell on this picture because I think she rubbed it with her hand before I took it. 
Kiersten is dressing up as a pirate for Halloween but we still had to play with the face paint! This is supposed to be something for a cat I think. We copied it off the package. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cow Girl Kiersten

Kiersten's class took a trip to the fair a little while ago and the made pictures of themselves. This is Kiersten as a cow girl. A friend of mine gave me a great idea to do with all the creations and drawings your kids do. She took pictures of everything and then put it all in a book by grade level. I love that idea because do you know how much they bring home?! With school artwork and daycare artwork and their own at home artwork I think a picture will capture those memories just fine. Of course we can always send some of the artwork to the grandparents which has come handy too!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Carving pumpkins!

Carving pumpkins with two little girls was the funniest thing ever! Every time Kiersten pulled out some pumpkins guts she said a word like "ewe, gross or disgusting." Then Sommer would copy her with her cute two year old pronunciations. The pumpkins stayed gutted without being carved for a whole week then Kurt carved them. Hopefully when they are older they will enjoy or want to carve their own because what you see in this picture is about all the girls did. LOL. I gutted the rest of their pumpkin. Now they are by our front door and we don't have to worry about them but man this year was pretty funny to watch them with the "pumpkin guts".


Sheriff found a comfy cozy seat and snuggled up with some beanie babies thanks to Sommer. This week we talked Meryl into watching the girls and the dog while Kurt was spending some time with his Dad and Grandpa. Meryl had a little angel Sommer all day. Of course she's an angel for everyone but me! Lol!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cow Girl!

Kurt was entertaining the girls while I picked out a new pair of boots at Ranch and Home this weekend. This is Sommer striking a pose!