Saturday, July 21, 2012


Kurt woke up earlier today and took Kiersten out on her first little fishing adventure. She still is a little too inpatient to wait for the fish to bite. She still had fun though. Kurt said he looked back at her one time and she was playing with the fishing lures like dolls. There was a purple and pink one and Kurt said he looked back at her and she was playing with them like they were toys! Too cute! She said she had a lot of fun so that is good!


Our wonderful daycare took a trip to the Woodland Park Zoo with the kids. It was so fun! All the kids had a great time. Luckily the drive home was their nap and it worked out perfect. They had so much fun.


We picked cherries at papa Fred's house! They were delicious! The girls thought it was so fun to climb a ladder. It was really cute.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Let's beat the heat!

Today we took an early morning walk and then rode bikes at the school. Sommer said something really funny. We heard the church bells go off and I asked her what that sound was and she said "willy wonka mommy!" if you have see the original willy wonka when he is walking out of his chocolate factory for the first time to meet the five golden ticket winners the sound of church bells go off! I laughed because it was very clever. A similarity I would have looked over but a two year old picked up right away. Anyway we beat the heat this morning now waiting for it to cool off to go back out there.

Monday, July 2, 2012