Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This & That

The picture of a box on a table is a package I'm mailing to my grandmother in Germany.  She is such a wonderful kindhearted person.  I finally put together an "I love you" package.  Its filled with coloring pages from Kiersten and some things I made for her.  Since she is so far away we try and remind her that we are always thinking about her.  She always sends us German chocolate and fun new clothes for the girls.  Anyway, I took a picture of the box because I found a new creative way of wrapping it.  I could find anything in the house to wrap it with so I found a big page that Kiersten water colored on at preschool.  It was thick paper so it worked beautifully.  Hopefully the post office doesn't mind. :)  Then there's Sheriff, the Great Dane! He thinks he is a human and he just jumps right on up there.  He's taken over the bottom bunk to Kiersten's bed.  He doesn't always sleep there, we were cleaning up the room and he has to be where ever you are in the house so he can see you.  You gotta love him!

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